Guy Stuff Counseling and Coaching is your helping hand when you need solutions for some of the most difficult struggles in a relationship.

More than 21 million people have turned to us for advice on...

Porn Addiction

Women think almost every man has one. Men want to believe they don't have a problem.

So what’s the truth about porn addiction and how do you deal with it in your relationship?

The Love is Gone

Having a partner that loves you but is not in love with you is one of the most painful things to accept. And if it comes as a surprise, it can leave you emotionally shattered.

How do you figure out what’s going on in your partner’s head?

Midlife Crisis

Pushing a partner to deal with his midlife crisis can send him deeper into it.

What’s the best way to respond to what your partner is going through? And how do you come out the other side?


Dr. Kurt has been featured in


Because men and women don’t always speak the same language.

Guy Stuff specializes in counseling for men, focused on what works best for solving men’s problems so results happen as quickly as possible.

For more than 21 years, I've counseled thousands of men to find success overcoming life’s challenges with a proven approach that is 100%:


Goal oriented
Direct, actionable,
and collaborative
Focused on solutions
And completely guy friendly
  • "I can't begin to thank you enough for your support, guidance and perspective. You helped me through a very difficult time of self-doubt, questioning and pain and got me (and my family) to a better place. Yes, I admit there's still work to do, and change I still need to implement, but I feel like I've got a different perspective on our relationships and the tactics I need to use to continue improving as a person and husband. Thank you, thank you, thank you...for everything."

    -Marty N.

  • "It has been a really great process and David and I have really figured out that marriage takes work and effort. We are both grateful to have found a way to come together and your guidance was very helpful in the process. We have some very powerful habits and personal traits that sometimes work against us, but we are really conscious of them and have promised each other to work to recognize them and to deal with them. Thank you for helping us become a better team in both our professional lives and (mostly) our personal lives!"

    -Evelyn G.

  • "Thank you so much for your help throughout the past year. Your sessions have been instrumental in improving our communication, parenting skills, and overall relationship. We appreciate all you have done and thank you for the tools provided"

    -Victoria M.

  • wide-spacer.png

    "We both feel that you have helped us learn very much how to deal with both issues between us as well as with our family. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you and are glad that we had the opportunity to spend the time that we did with you."

    -Jose M.

  • wide-spacer.png

    "Dr. Kurt – thank you for the help – thanks for being there – thanks for making me believe it was okay to stand up for myself – even in dealing with someone like her – and my fears that if I did stand up and value myself – it would push her away even further. Thank you for getting me to value me and listen to your advice."

    -Sean P.

  • wide-spacer.png

    "Thank you for your support the other has really helped me to be able to talk to someone about all this stuff and really get a guys perspective. I can't express enough what our phone calls have done for me over the course of this whole situation. Certainly one of the best phone calls I've ever made was to your office....which seems like a lifetime ago now! Thank you!"

    -Krista S.

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